Huang J, Tang H, Pan X, Gan Z, Hua W, Dong S. Investigation of the compression–shear fracture propagation for rocks accounting for confining pressure and crack surface friction[J]. Theor Appl Fract Mech. 2022; 119: 103346. (SCI)
Huang J, Li J, Pan X, Xie T, Hua W, Dong S. Numerical Investigation on Mixed Mode (I-II) Fracture Propagation of CCBD Specimens Under Confining Pressure[J]. Int J Appl Mech. 2020, 12(10): 2050111. (SCI)
Huang J, Pan X, Li J, Dong S, Hua W. Numerical Investigation on Crack Propagation for a Central Cracked Brazilian Disk Concerning Friction[J]. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(6): 2839. (SCI)
Huang J, Hua W, Xie T, Yao Y, Dong S. Recognition of Crack-Rubbing Coupling Fault of Bearing under High Water Pressure Based on Polar Symmetry Mode Decomposition[J]. Symmetry. 2021; 13(1):59. (SCI)
Hua W,Huang J, Pan X, Li J, Dong S. An extended maximum tangential strain energy density criterion considering T‐stress for combined mode I–III brittle fracture[J]. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct. 2021; 44(1): 169-181. (SCI)
Tang H,Huang J, He J, Hua W, Dong S. Stress intensity factors for a centrally cracked Brazilian disk under non-uniformly distributed pressure. Theor Appl Fract Mech. 2021; 114: 103001. (SCI)
Pan X,Huang J, Gan Z, Hua W, Dong S. Investigation on mixed-mode II-III fracture of the sandstone by using eccentric cracked disk. Theor Appl Fract Mech. 2021; 11: 103077. (SCI)
Pan X,Huang J, Gan Z, Dong S, Hua W. Analysis of Mixed-Mode I/II/III Fracture Toughness Based on a Three-Point Bending Sandstone Specimen with an Inclined Crack. Applied Sciences. 2021;11(4):1652. (SCI)
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