二级教授,博士、博士生导师,国际膜计算学会主席,IET Fellow,教育部新世纪优秀人才,四川省学术和技术带头人。入选2020-2021年Elsevier中国高被引学者和全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。2019年获罗马尼亚科学院Grigore Moisil奖(中国科技部网站专页报道:首位以第一作者获得罗马尼亚科学院奖的中国人,也是首位获得莫伊西尔奖的中国人)。
Gexiang Zhang, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez, Agustín Riscos-Nuñez, Sergey Verlan, Savas Konur, Thomas Hinze, Marian Gheorghe. Membrane Computing Models: Implementations, Springer, 2021.
Gexiang Zhang, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez, Marian Gheorghe. Real-life applications with membrane computing, Springer, 2017.
张葛祥,程吉祥,王 涛,王学渊,朱 杰.膜计算:理论与应用.科学出版社, 2015.
Gexiang Zhang, Xihai Zhang, Haina Rong, Prithwineel Paul, Ming Zhu, Ferrante Neri, Yew-Soon Ong. A layered spiking neural system for classification problems. International Journal of Neural Systems, 2022, 32, DOI: 10.1142/S012906572250023X.
Jianping Dong, Gexiang Zhang, Biao Luo, Qiang Yang, Dequan Guo, Haina Rong, Ming Zhu, Kang Zhou. A distributed adaptive optimization spiking neural P system for approximately solving combinatorial optimization problems. Information Sciences, 2022, 596, 1014.
Xingqiao Deng, Jianping Dong, Shisong Wang, Biao Luo, Huiling Feng, Gexiang Zhang. Reducer Lubrication Optimization with an Optimization Spiking Neural P System. Information Sciences, 2022, 604, August 2022, Pages 28-44.
Gexiang Zhang, Haina Rong, Prithwineel Paul, Yangyang He, Ferrante Neri, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez. A Complete Arithmetic Calculator Constructed from Spiking Neural P Systems and its Application to Information Fusion, International Journal of Neural Systems, 2021, 31(1), 1-17, Article No. 2050055. DOI: /10.1142/S0129065720500550.
Ming Zhu, Qiang Yang, Jiangping Dong, Gexiang Zhang, Xiantai Gou, Haina Rong, Prithwineel Paul, and Ferrante Neri*. An adaptive optimization spiking neural P system for binary problems, International Journal of Neural Systems, 2021, 31(1), 1-17. Article No. 2050054. DOI: 10.1142/S0129065720500549.
Xueyuan Wang, Gexiang Zhang, Xiantai Gou, Prithwineel Paul, Ferrante Neri, Haina Rong, Qiang Yang, Hua Zhang. Multi-behaviors coordination controller design with enzymatic numerical P systems for robots. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 2020 DOI: 10.3233/ICA-200627.
Gexiang Zhang, Zeyi Shang, Sergey Verlan, Miguel A. Martínez-Del-Amor, Chengxun Yuan, Luis Valencia-Cabrera, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez. An overview of hardware implementation of membrane computing models, ACM Computing Surveys, August 2020, 53(4), Article No. 90, 38 pages, DOI: 10.1145/3402456.
Ignacio Perez-Hurtado, Miguel A. Martınez-del-Amor, Gexiang Zhang, Ferrante Neri, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez. A membrane parallel rapidly-exploring random tree algorithm for robotic motion planning, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 2020, 27(2): 121-138.
Sidong Wu, Gexiang Zhang, Ferrante Neri, Ming Zhu, Tao Jiang, and Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert. A multi-aperture optical flow estimation method for an artificial compound eye, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 2019, 26(2): 139-157.
Sheng Cao, Gexiang Zhang, Pengfei Liu, Xiaosong Zhang, Ferrante Neri. Cloud-Assisted Secure eHealth Systems for Tamper-Proofing HER via Blockchain, Information Sciences, 2019, 485: 427-440.
Ming Zhu, Gexiang Zhang, Qiang Yang, Haina Rong, Weitao Yuan, and Mario J. Perez-Jimenez. P systems based computing polynomials with integer coefficients: design and formal verification, IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 2018, 17(3): 272-280.
Junbo Zhao, Gexiang Zhang, Zhao Yang Dong, Massimo La Scala. Robust Forecasting Aided Power System State Estimation Considering State Correlations. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, 9(4): 2658-2666.
Sidong Wu, Gexiang Zhang, Ming Zhu, Tao Jiang, Ferrante Neri. Geometry based Three-Dimensional Image Processing Method for Electronic Cluster Eye, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 2018, 25(3): 213-228.
Junbo Zhao, Gexiang Zhang, Massimo La Scala, Zhao Yang Dong, Chen Chen, Jianhui Wang. Short-term state forecasting-aided method for detection of smart grid general false data injection attacks. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, July 2017, 8(4): 1580-1590.
Junbo Zhao, Gexiang Zhang, Massimo La Scala, Zhaoyu Wang. Enhanced Robustness of State Estimator to Bad Data Processing Through Multi-Innovation Analysis, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, Aug. 2017, 13(4): 1610-1619.
Junbo Zhao, Zhaoyu Wang, Chen Chen, Gexiang Zhang. Robust Voltage Instability Predictor, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017, 32(2): 1578-1579.
无人驾驶汽车城市交通环境智能感知终端关键技术,四川省重点研发项目,2021.04- 2023.03,主研
罗马尼亚科学院Grigore Moisil奖,2019